Inspection of Materials for Hidden Flaws Using Radiography

In NDT radiography is one of the most important and widely used method. X-Ray radiography is an industrial radiography non-destructive technique which uses X-rays produced by X-ray generators to make an image or radiograph of material.

In general, radiography testing (RT) is method of inspecting materials for hidden flaws by using the ability of short-wave electromagnetic or high energy level radiation to penetrate various materials.



For industrial use, the two available radioactive sources are; X-Ray and Gamma-Ray. We strictly adhere and follow the local guidelines and rules while handing, mobilizing and during operation of radiography source.

The intensity of the radiation that penetrates and passes through the material is either capture by a radiation sensitive film (Radiography Film) or by radio sensitive sensors (Real-Time Radiography). Film radiography is oldest approach and most widely used in NDT.

Radiography is useful because it does not damage or change the item being tested. It can also be used when it is difficult or not practical to access the material being inspected.

For example, industrial radiography is used to test:


⦁     Gas and oil pipelines

⦁     Metal welding

⦁     Boilers

⦁     Vehicle parts

⦁     Aircraft parts



Industrial radiography works by pointing a beam of x-rays or gamma rays at the item being tested. A detector is lined up with the beam on the other side of the item. The detector records x-rays or gamma rays that pass through the material. The thicker the material, the fewer x-rays or gamma rays can pass through. Because the material is thinner where there is a crack or flaw, more rays pass through that area. The detector creates a picture from the rays that pass through, which shows cracks or flaws. The pictures from these cameras are called radiographs. Like photography, industrial radiography has been moving away from film-based radiography and instead moving to digital images.When you look at a radiograph of welded metal, the welding site shows up bright white because it is thicker than the rest of the pipe material. The welding stops the rays almost completely from passing through, which makes it show up brighter than the rest of the images. The cracks show up as darker areas because the radiation has passed completely through the cracks.X-ray and gamma ray industrial radiography devices are different and used for different purposes.


  • Inspect assemblies without dismantling the components.
  • Detect surface and internal discontinuities
  • Negligible to minimal surface preparation
  • Detect internal flaws on complex structures
  • Direct access to surface not required to inspect hidden areas
  • Permanent record of inspection

Angles, dimensions can be measured



X-ray — a type of radiography — is a preferred NDT method due to its ability to clearly view through steel, nickel, aluminum, and other metals. X-ray can only be performed when access to both sides of the test material is available. NDT technicians transmit radiation through the object on one side, while a detector film records the differences in absorption on the other side. We then interpret the resulting X-ray images for signs of hidden flaws or defects within the metal such as cracks, voids, and corrosion in accordance with the relevant codes and standards. Periodic, thorough evaluations are essential for preventing minor flaws from growing into more serious problems. After testing, we provide clients with a detailed test report that highlights our findings. With X-ray, our technicians can test metallic materials leaving them unaltered and without any residual radiation. We make sure to follow all guidelines for radiation safety, including designating a restricted clearance area once testing is in progress.


    • Detect Embedded Materials
    • Clear, Accurate Imaging
    • Detect Changes in Thickness
    • Effective for Many Material Types
    • Detect Internal/External Defects
    • Portable
    • Safe for Test Object, Personnel, and Environment
    • Permanent Record of Inspected Area
    • No Residual Radiation
    • Minimum Preparation



  • Power Generation
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Pressure Vessel
  • Pulp and Paper
  • Pipeline
  • Fabrication Shops
  • Maritime
  • Construction
  • Foundries
  • Petrochemical
  • Commercial Properties
  • Automotive
  • Aviation


Inspection, testing and endorsement services for various industries

Conventional and Advance NDT Services

Asset Integrity Management and Field Inspection Services

Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Services

Mechanical and Welding Qualification Testing

Metallurgical Failure Investigation

Corrosion Investigation and Testing

Analytical Chemical Testing

Rope Access for inspection at heights and "Normally difficult to Access" locations.


Our services are indispensable for the process owners and help them decide the course of action related to their materials, equipment, components for qualification and continued usage through our core services.


Analytical and Technical Laboratory in the Middle East having Metallurgy, Mechanical Testing, Chemical Testing,
NDT, Marine Survey, Field Inspection, Asset Integrity Services and PWHT facilities all under one roof that employs over 100 professionals. And Versatile Integrated Quality Management System and International Approvals.

Our pool of talent includes Engineers, Inspectors, Accountants, Finance Experts and Technicians.