In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration of Piping Systems

Our piping inspectors are certified to API 570 and possesses extensive experience in carrying out piping inspection. The inspectors are well competent in piping construction codes, various NDT techniques, various damage mechanism, welding and corrosion of metals having qualification in ASNT, AWS, CSWIP and NACE.

API 570 : Piping Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration of Piping Systems.

Let’s get acquainted with the basic guide for Piping Inspection.




  • Purchase Order or Contract
  • Manufacture Quality Control Plan
  • Previous Inspection and test plan
  • Material Test Reports
  • Welding Specification Procedures (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Records (PQR)
  • Heat treatment procedure
  • Calibration Certificates
  • Hydrostatic Testing Procedure and Water Quality Document
  • Preparation and Painting Procedure




  • Certificate No.
  • Heat or cast No.
  • Chemical composition.
  • Mechanical properties.
  • Heat treated condition.
  • NDE applied and results.
  • Details of welding consumables



  • Identification and marking
  • Profile of weldment for Width
  • Reinforcement Height
  • Irregularity
  • Undercut
  • Overlap
  • Porosity and spatter
  • Slag inclusions
  • Cracks
  • Laminations
  • Examination of dents, scrapes and handling damage



  • Creating a piping inventory list indicating the line number, pipe specification class, rating, schedule, pipe origin location and pipe destination location
  • Creating piping isometric sketches to facilitate inspection and the recording of corrosion monitoring locations (CMLs)
  • Dividing whole unit piping into piping circuits based on process condition and potential degradation mechanism
  • Selecting appropriate NDE techniques for each piping circuit based on the circuit damage mechanism
  • Determination of CMLs points in piping isometric sketches based on the potential for general or localized corrosion and service specific damage mechanisms
  • Determination of piping service class-based consequence of failure and instruction stated in API 570 or based on the Risk Based Inspection method.
  • Carry out external inspection for corrosion, leaks, previous temporary repairs, clamps, coating breakdown, insulation damage, vibration, misalignment, pipe support deterioration specifically in touch points and to air to soil interface, pipe hanger distortion or breakage and frizz damage
  • External thickness measurement on CMLs on each piping circuit
  • Corrosion rate calculation based on metal loss in a specific time interval
  • Retirement thickness calculation based on the minimum required thickness and minimum required structural thickness
  • Remaining life calculation based on the available thickness for corrosion and the corrosion rate value
  • Determination of piping circuit inspection interval based remaining life calculation and piping service class
  • Determination of piping inspection interval for non-thinning damage mechanism
  • Making supplementary inspection with the proper NDE method for piping circuits susceptible to creep cracking
  • Making supplementary inspection with the proper NDE method for piping circuits susceptible to the creep cracking
  • Making supplementary inspection with the proper NDE method for piping circuits susceptible to environmental cracking from Chloride SCC, Polythionic acid SCC, Caustic SCC, Amine SCC, Carbonate SCC, Hydrogen blistering and hydrogen induced cracking (HIC), etc.


Inspection, testing and endorsement services for various industries

Conventional and Advance NDT Services

Asset Integrity Management and Field Inspection Services

Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Services

Mechanical and Welding Qualification Testing

Metallurgical Failure Investigation

Corrosion Investigation and Testing

Analytical Chemical Testing

Rope Access for inspection at heights and "Normally difficult to Access" locations.


Our services are indispensable for the process owners and help them decide the course of action related to their materials, equipment, components for qualification and continued usage through our core services.


Analytical and Technical Laboratory in the Middle East having Metallurgy, Mechanical Testing, Chemical Testing,
NDT, Marine Survey, Field Inspection, Asset Integrity Services and PWHT facilities all under one roof that employs over 100 professionals. And Versatile Integrated Quality Management System and International Approvals.

Our pool of talent includes Engineers, Inspectors, Accountants, Finance Experts and Technicians.