Minimized Risk of Failure and Improved Profitability
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) is combination of an assessment of the likelihood (probability) of failure (LOF) due to flaws damage, deterioration or degradation with an assessment of the consequences of failure (COF). RBI has been proven to reduce instances of unplanned shutdowns.
Essentially undertaken by our qualified and industry experienced Plant Inspectors to develop inspection plan based on knowledge of the risk of failure and its consequence as per API RP 580 and 581.
The inspection plan deploys techniques at a frequency that provides adequate confidence about the condition, taking account of the damage mechanisms and the reliability of the inspection techniques used.
In an RBI assessment, all factors are considered that impact the equipment lifespan. Key elements include process stream, composition, temperature, pressure, and flow. Utilizing the objectives of each inspection facilitates the design of an RBI algorithm. The specific risk model that is configured will differ according to each equipment type and its associated variable factors. Data sources that determine the RBI assessment include:
- Design and construction records
- Inspection and maintenance data
- Operating and process technology results
- Hazards analysis and management of change data
Our RBI methodology adheres to international codes and standards, replacing time-based inspection with a number of significant advantages:
- Reduced operational risk
- Improved workplace safety, environmental protection, and community security
- Increased plant availability and reduced unplanned shutdowns
- Consideration of types of degradation and damage mechanisms
- Optimized inspection and maintenance costs without compromising safety or reliability
- A flexible technique able to continuously improve and adapt to changing risk environment
- Inspection techniques and methods clearly defined and based on thorough understanding of potential failure modes
Risk Based Inspection can be applied on any equipment which include
- Piping System
- Pressure Safety Valves
- Static Equipment
- Structures
Inspection, testing and endorsement services for various industries
Conventional and Advance NDT Services
Asset Integrity Management and Field Inspection Services
Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Services
Mechanical and Welding Qualification Testing
Metallurgical Failure Investigation
Corrosion Investigation and Testing
Analytical Chemical Testing
Rope Access for inspection at heights and "Normally difficult to Access" locations.
Our services are indispensable for the process owners and help them decide the course of action related to their materials, equipment, components for qualification and continued usage through our core services.


Analytical and Technical Laboratory in the Middle East having Metallurgy, Mechanical Testing, Chemical Testing,
NDT, Marine Survey, Field Inspection, Asset Integrity Services and PWHT facilities all under one roof that employs over 100 professionals. And Versatile Integrated Quality Management System and International Approvals.