Inspection of Materials for Hidden Flaws Using Radiography
Microstructure Analysis can be a valuable source of information to any industry working with metals. The engineers in Emirates Industrial Laboratory can examine samples to detect surface and internal flaws, determine micro structural features, evaluate heat treatments and ensure conformance to required specifications. Root cause failure analysis can also be performed when performance issues occur with metal products.
EILAB metallurgical analysis services are EIAC and TUV accredited and are completed according to detailed procedures to ensure reliable results. Customers receive a Certified Test Report showing complete results of each test.
The first step in completing metallurgical laboratory services is test sample preparation. Samples are prepared using precision cutting, mounting, grinding and polishing techniques, as well as etching when required. Analysis findings and results can be documented using digital imaging microscopes with optical magnification capabilities from 100X to 1000X. Microstructure Analysis Specifications:
- ASTM E407 – Standard Practice for Micro-etching Metals and Alloys.
- ASTM A923 – Standard Test Methods for Detecting Detrimental Intermetallic Phase in Duplex Austenitic/Ferritic Stainless Steels.
- ISO 945-1 – Microstructure of cast irons — Part 1: Graphite classification by visual analysis.
Inspection, testing and endorsement services for various industries
Conventional and Advance NDT Services
Asset Integrity Management and Field Inspection Services
Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Services
Mechanical and Welding Qualification Testing
Metallurgical Failure Investigation
Corrosion Investigation and Testing
Analytical Chemical Testing
Rope Access for inspection at heights and "Normally difficult to Access" locations.
Our services are indispensable for the process owners and help them decide the course of action related to their materials, equipment, components for qualification and continued usage through our core services.


Analytical and Technical Laboratory in the Middle East having Metallurgy, Mechanical Testing, Chemical Testing,
NDT, Marine Survey, Field Inspection, Asset Integrity Services and PWHT facilities all under one roof that employs over 100 professionals. And Versatile Integrated Quality Management System and International Approvals.