Wide Range of Services and Solutions Leveraging Expertise from Many Areas

Environmental INDUSTRIES
Our global ecosystem, encompassing air, water, land and habitats supporting plant and animal life, is daily affected by both natural and human factors. Environmental pollution is one of them. It affects people from all walks of life equally and will threaten our public health worldwide if not controlled and abated. Therefore national governments and international organizations encourage industries to make environmental management part of their regular operations.
We provide you guidance and assistance in complying with environmental regulations and in assessing your environmental performance with state-of-the-art laboratory and monitoring facilities, with experienced and knowledgeable consultants, together with a comprehensive range of specialized environmental services: environmental impact assessment, environmental auditing, environmental training, indoor environmental quality, environmental emergencies and more.
All our environmental services are tailored to meet your specific requirements and will help you in managing your business risks, in increasing your business efficiency and in enhancing your business reputation.
We play a proactive role in safeguarding our environment by offering a wide range of tests to ensure environmentally friendly products. These products range from eco-friendly textiles, computer products, biodegradable packing materials and consumer electronics to green-label bearing products and less noise producing equipment.



Acoustic Emission Testing (AET)

Alternating Current Field Measurement (ACFM)

Analysis of organic pollutants

Automated Corrosion Mapping

Automated UT

Boroscopic Inspection

Digital Radiography

Eddy Current Test (ECT)

Environmental Monitoring (Ambient Air and Stack Monitoring)

Furnace Tube Inspection System (FTIS)

Gamma Radiography

Heat Treatment Test-Pre heat & post weld heat treatment

Holiday Test

Inspection service with IRATA

Integrity & Fitness for Service Assessments

Internal Rotary Inspection System (IRIS)

Laser Optic Tube Inspection System (LOTIS)

Laser Scanning

Liquid/Dye Penetrant Inspection

Long Range Ultrasonic Testing (LRUT)

Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) Inspection

Noise Level Survey

Paint analysis & inspection

Phased Array UT

Pipeline-cross country & sub-sea RT & UT

Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC)

Robotic Inspection of Tanks

Saturated Low Frequency Eddy Current (SLOFEC)

Small Controlled Area Radiography (SCAR)

Solid Waste/ Sludge Analysis

Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD)

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging (UTG)

Ultrasonic Thickness Scanning (UTS)

Underwater Inspection Services

Vacuum Box testing

Visual Inspection

Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection

X-Ray Radiography

Air Microbial contaminant Analysis

Analysis of Effluent / Waste water

Analysis of organic pollutants

Analysis Of Potable Water and Effluent/waste water

Analysis of scales and deposit

Asbestos Analysis by polarized Light Microscope

Bacterial counts of drinking water and oil field water

Cement analysis

Creep Measurement (Heater Tubes)

Digital Radiography

Drilling Fluids and chemicals

Evaluation of corrosion Inhibitors

Failure Analysis

General Inorganic Analysis

Heat Treatment Test-Pre heat & post weld heat treatment

Liquid/Dye Penetrant Inspection

Mechanical Testing

Metal chemistries

Metallurgical Analysis

Microstructural Analysis

Solid Waste/ Sludge Analysis

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging (UTG)

Ultrasonic Thickness Scanning (UTS)

Visual Inspection

Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection

X-Ray Radiography