Infrastructure and Equipment Need Protection from Corrosion
Existing installations are at high risk when signs of corrosion are exhibited. Typically, corrosion originates from electrical, electrochemical, chemical or bacterial interaction with the components and requires specific analyses.
A corrosion survey will result in a significant reduction of the costs generated by corrosion. Once your requirements are clear, we start with basics by developing first the corrosion survey scheme considering the specifics of the structure or asset at hand.
While formulating corrosion survey scheme, review of the available as-built documentation, drawings and other investigations are undertaken.
In order for the engineer to develop a full and detailed understanding of the type and condition of materials, construction and defects exhibited by the structure under examination, the type and extent of survey and testing undertaken will be prescribed. It is expected that direct inspection and testing will be required. This may include destructive and non-destructive testing [NDT] and sampling as well as laboratory analysis.
The corrosion survey on-site generally starts with assessment which include:
- Visual Survey and Assessment
- Half-cell Potential Mapping
- Corrosion Rate Measurement
- Water and Soil sampling
- Close Interval Potential Survey [CIPS]
- Direct Current Voltage Gradient [DCVG] Survey
We put our experience, qualified and dedicated personnel to determine the probable cause of deterioration through interpretation of the available documentation, survey and test data.
The qualified inspectors are well competent in various construction codes, various NDT techniques, mechanical tests, various damage mechanism, welding and corrosion of metals having qualification in ASNT, AWS, CSWIP and NACE.
Inspection, testing and endorsement services for various industries
Conventional and Advance NDT Services
Asset Integrity Management and Field Inspection Services
Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Services
Mechanical and Welding Qualification Testing
Metallurgical Failure Investigation
Corrosion Investigation and Testing
Analytical Chemical Testing
Rope Access for inspection at heights and "Normally difficult to Access" locations.
Our services are indispensable for the process owners and help them decide the course of action related to their materials, equipment, components for qualification and continued usage through our core services.


Analytical and Technical Laboratory in the Middle East having Metallurgy, Mechanical Testing, Chemical Testing,
NDT, Marine Survey, Field Inspection, Asset Integrity Services and PWHT facilities all under one roof that employs over 100 professionals. And Versatile Integrated Quality Management System and International Approvals.